Finderserve, ROI

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Candidate Names Generation and Sourcing

If you're like most other Hiring Authorities, you've found that online job postings on any of the job boards release an overwhelming flood of emailed resumes - majority of them off target. Posting jobs on job boards and sifting through resume databases is expensive and time consuming. In most cases it does not even lead to the results you are looking for.

By partnering with Finderserve, you will have tapped into the rich world of passive candidate realm, a quick way to find the best talent, currently performing the same duties [per your requisition] and to put to them to work at your organization/client organization. By using Finderserve Candidate Generator, you quickly get on target names of individuals performing the functions and duties your requisition entails.

What does it cost?  It won't cost you a dime to find out. With savings realized through using our service [averaging over 80% compared to traditional recruiting], any CFO will flip the savings to his/her company's bottom line.


HR Departments | Executive | Confidential Searches

That job that needs to be confidentially and urgently filled could mean lost business opportunities if it is not filled. Be proactive. Let us provide you with the phone numbers and email addresses of qualified "passive" candidates - highly qualified prospects that aren't actively looking for a job.

But how do you find those hard-working, highly-respected, reasonably compensated candidates who have little reason to actively pursue a job change and thereby let you know who they are? Using Finderserve's Candidate Generator, that's how.

When you use our services, you have a choice. You can direct us to scour the Internet for passive candidate leads -- OR you can have Finderserve prequalify [telephone source] those leads to make sure they are interested and qualified to fill your job opening.

Would you not rather start your search process with hundreds of potential passive candidates -- names, phone numbers, and emails - already provided?

Finderserve can source candidates for your open positions. Give us the specs and requirements of your most urgent openings and we'll identify and qualify candidates according to their interest and abilities. You simply interview and hire them.

No "canned" software product can do what Finderserve does. That's because we dig deep to unearth talent specifically for your requirement. We refine, adjust, expand, and distill the results depending on your requirements.

For candidates, we career-coach, finesse your resume, re-write it if need be to make it stand out to the hiring managers, engage us!

The cost depends on your particular needs. But it won't cost you a dime to find out. Any CFO will flip the savings realized through using our service [averaging over 80% compared to traditional recruiting] to his/her company's bottom line. By dramatically reducing the price and the time it takes to streamline the search process and find the perfect candidate, the cost will prove its worth, multiple times.

Engage Finderserve today!